To execute Terminal commands Mac users need first of all to invoke Terminal in Commander One by pressing simultaneously the combination CTRL + O, and after that follow the above Mac Terminal commands cheat sheet. Once everything is done, you can return to the previous mode of Commander One by pressing the mentioned above hotkey.
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The Terminal app allows you to control your Mac using a command prompt. Why would you want to do that? Well, perhaps because you're used to working on a command line in a Unix-based system and prefer to work that way. Terminal is a Mac command line interface. There are several advantages to using Terminal to accomplish some tasks — it's usually quicker, for example. In order to use it, however, you'll need to get to grips with its basic commands and functions. Once you've done that, you can dig deeper and learn more commands and use your Mac's command prompt for more complex, as well as some fun, tasks.
- Jun 04, 2019 Zoc is a professional terminal emulator for Mac and Windows platforms with an impressive list of features including tabbed sessions with thumbnails, over 200 commands of scripting language, communication via several protocols not excluding SSH, Rlogin, and Wse, an address book with folders and color-coded hosts, client automation with macro.
- Execute commands in the shell In the Terminal app on your Mac, enter the complete pathname of the tool's executable file, followed by any needed arguments, then press Return. If a command is located in one of the shell's known folders, you can omit path information when entering the command name.
Macpilot enable over 1 200 hidden features 11 0. AnyToISO Professional Crack Mweb 1 9 1 download free. Is a simple application that lets you easily convert files to ISO format or extract image content. It is equipped with a well-organized, easy-to-organize user interface. Oct 06, 2019 The MacPilot 11.0.2 is a program that enables users to take full control of their Mac. With the power of UNIX and the simplicity of Macintosh, it provides users with a phenomenal amount of untapped power. With the help of MacPilot 11, users can unlock over 1,200 features, and access them all with the easy and familiar Macintosh user interface. MacPilot 8.0.8 (Mac OS X) Download Free. MacPilot can enable and disable hidden features in Mac OS X, optimize and repair your system, and perform numerous routine maintenance operations with the click of a button! Pro user or not, you can now increase computer performance with only a few clicks of the mouse.
Curated Mac apps that keep your Mac's performance under control. Avoid Terminal commands, avoid trouble.
Download FreeHow to open Terminal on Mac
The Terminal app is in the Utilities folder in Applications. To open it, either open your Applications folder, then open Utilities and double-click on Terminal, or press Command - spacebar to launch Spotlight and type 'Terminal,' then double-click the search result.
You'll see a small window with a white background open on your desktop. In the title bar are your username, the word 'bash' and the dimensions of the window in pixels. Bash stands for 'Bourne again shell'. There are a number of different shells that can run Unix commands, and on the Mac Bash is the one used by Terminal.
If you want to make the window bigger, click on the bottom right corner and drag it outwards. If you don't like the black text on a white background, go to the Shell menu, choose New Window and select from the options in the list.
If Terminal feels complicated or you have issues with the set-up, let us tell you right away that there are alternatives. MacPilot allows to get access to over 1,200 macOS features without memorizing any commands. Basically, a third-party Terminal for Mac that acts like Finder.
For Mac monitoring features, try iStat Menus. The app collects data like CPU load, disk activity, network usage, and more — all of which accessible from your menu bar.
Basic Mac commands in Terminal
The quickest way to get to know Terminal and understand how it works is to start using it. But before we do that, it's worth spending a little time getting to know how commands work. To run a command, you just type it at the cursor and hit Return to execute.
Every command is made up of three elements: the command itself, an argument which tells the command what resource it should operate on, and an option that modifies the output. So, for example, to move a file from one folder to another on your Mac, you'd use the move command 'mv' and then type the location of the file you want to move, including the file name and the location where you want to move it to.
Let's try it.
Type cd ~/Documentsthen and press Return to navigate to your Home folder.
Type lsthen Return (you type Return after every command).
You should now see a list of all the files in your Documents folder — ls is the command for listing files.
To see a list of all the commands available in Terminal, hold down the Escape key and then press y when you see a question asking if you want to see all the possibilities. To see more commands, press Return.
Unix has its own built-in manual. So, to learn more about a command type man [name of command], where 'command' is the name of the command you want find out more about.
Terminal rules
There are a few things you need to bear in mind when you're typing commands in Terminal, or any other command-line tool. Firstly, every character matters, including spaces. So when you're copying a command you see here, make sure you include the spaces and that characters are in the correct case.
You can't use a mouse or trackpad in Terminal, but you can navigate using the arrow keys. If you want to re-run a command, tap the up arrow key until you reach it, then press Return. To interrupt a command that's already running, type Control-C.
Commands are always executed in the current location. So, if you don't specify a location in the command, it will run wherever you last moved to or where the last command was run. Use the cdcommand, followed by a directory path, like in Step 1 above, to specify the folder where you want a command to run.
There is another way to specify a location: go to the Finder, navigate to the file or folder you want and drag it onto the Terminal window, with the cursor at the point where you would have typed the path.
Here's another example. This time, we'll create a new folder inside your Documents directory and call it 'TerminalTest.'
Open a Finder window and navigate to your Documents folder.
Type cd and drag the Documents folder onto the Terminal window.
Now, type mkdir 'TerminalTest'
Go back to the Finder, open Text Edit and create a new file called 'TerminalTestFile.rtf'. Now save it to the TerminalTest folder in your Documents folder.
In the Terminal window, type cd ~/Documents/TerminalTest then Return. Now type lsand you should see 'TerminalTestFile' listed.
To change the name of the file, type this, pressing Return after every step:
cd~/Documents/Terminal Test
mv TerminalTestFile TerminalTestFile2.rtf
That will change the name of the file to 'TerminalTestFile2'. You can, of course, use any name you like. The mv command means 'move' and you can also use it to move files from one directory to another. In that case, you'd keep the file names the same, but specify another directory before typing the the second instance of the name, like this:
mv ~/Documents/TerminalTest TerminalTestFile.rtf ~/Documents/TerminalTest2 TerminalTestFile.rtf
More advanced Terminal commands
Terminal can be used for all sorts of different tasks. Some of them can be performed in the Finder, but are quicker in Terminal. Others access deep-rooted parts of macOS that aren't accessible from the Finder without specialist applications. Here are a few examples.
Copy files from one folder to another
In a Terminal window, type ditto [folder 1] [folder 1] where 'folder 1' is the folder that hosts the files and 'folder 2' is the folder you want to move them to.
To see the files being copied in the Terminal window, type -v after the command.
Download files from the internet
You'll need the URL of the file you want to download in order to use Terminal for this.
cd ~/Downloads/
curl -O [URL of file you want to download]
If you want to download the file to a directory other than your Downloads folder, replace ~/Downloads/ with the path to that folder, or drag it onto the Terminal window after you type the cd command.
Change the default location for screenshots
If you don't want macOS to save screenshots to your Desktop when you press Command-Shift-3, you can change the default location in Terminal
defaults write location [path to folder where you want screenshots to be saved]
Hit Return
killall SystemUIServer
Hit Return
Change the default file type for screenshots
By default, macOS saves screenshots as .png files. To change that to .jpg, do this:
defaults write type JPG
Press Return
killall SystemUIServer
Press Return
Delete all files in a folder
The command used to delete, or remove, files in Terminal is rm. So, for example, if you wanted to remove a file in your Documents folder named 'oldfile.rtf' you'd use cd ~/Documents to go to your Documents folder then to delete the file. As it stands, that will delete the file without further intervention from you. If you want to confirm the file to be deleted, use -i as in rm -i oldfile.rtf
To delete all the files and sub-folders in a directory named 'oldfolder', the command is rm -R oldfolder and to confirm each file should be deleted, rm -iR oldfolder
Just because you can use Terminal to delete files on your Mac, doesn't mean you should. It's a relatively blunt instrument, deleting only those files and folders you specify.
Another way to free up space
If your goal in removing files or folders is to free up space on your Mac, or to remove junk files that are causing your Mac to run slowly, it's far better to use an app designed for the purpose. CleanMyMac X is one such app.
It will scan your Mac for files and recommend which ones you can delete safely, as well as telling you how much space you'll save. And once you've decided which files to delete, you can get rid of them in a click. You can download CleanMyMac here.
As you can see, while Terminal may look scary and seem like it's difficult to use, it really isn't. The key is learning a few commands, such as those we've outlined above, and getting to know the syntax for those commands.
However, you should be careful when using Terminal, it's a powerful tool that has deep access to your Mac's system files. Check commands by googling them if you're not sure what they do. And if you need to delete files to save space, use an app like CleanMyMac X to do it. It's much safer!
These might also interest you:
Terminal is Mac OS X way into the command line world. It is designed for you to typing in specific commands that you would not be able to do otherwise. This is great for customizing your Mac and unveiling hidden features. It is also a good way to destroy you system because you screwed something up.
What I have done is crawl the web look of the Top 50 Terminal commands. These commands are designed to make you make look cooler, act quicker or be generally useful. I have tried to keep commands down to one line, so they are simple and effective to use. Each item will include a description of what it does as well as an appropriate picture is necessary. Many of these commands appear as seperate posts all over the web, but never in one big list. I have tried to keep the amount of sudo commands down to a minimum as this can easily destroy your system. Especially if you go sudoing every thing. I have tried to give the best description I can, if you have a problem leave a comment and I will see if I can solve it. The list is in no particular order. Most of the commands can be reverted by replacing YES with NO and 1 with 0, the opposite. Most of these commands are Leopard compatible and many may not work on Tiger. Try them and see what happens.
1) 2D Dock
This quite a popular hack for the people running Leopard and don't like the 3D feel. It changes the 3D dock to a flat 2D version. To enter copy and past the following code.
defaults write no-glass -boolean YES
killall Dock
2) Gradient Behind A Stack Item
One of my favourite hacks that enables you to put a small gradient behind an icon. I think this should be enabled by default.
defaults write mouse-over-hilte-stack -boolean YES
killall Dock
Terminal Mac Commands Cd
3) Add A Message To The Login Window
This little Terminal command enables you to add a message of your choice to the Login window. Pretty cool and deserved a screenshot if I new how to take on while not logged in. Warning it's a sudo command which can be dangerous.
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ LoginwindowText 'Your Message'
Replace 'Your Message' with the message of your choice, don't make it to long. If you want to revert it do the following.
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ LoginwindowText '
4) Add An Exposè Button To The Desktop
If you have reconfigured the F9 and F10 keys to something different you may want to use exposè. This hack adds a bigish blue button onto the desktop to enable you to use exposè. Clicking on it shows all the windows from one application (F10 default), option clicking it shows all windows (F9 default).
defaults write wvous-floater -bool YES
killall Dock
5) Address Book Debug Menu
If you have some trouble with Address Book it may be useful to open up the debug menu as well as this use some of the hidden features. Make sure address book is closed first before applying the code. If you want to revert it remove YES in the string.
defaults write ABShowDebugMenu -bool YES
6) Increase Dock Magnification Size
This little hack lets you increase the size of the magnification of the dock icons. Don't go past 512.
defaults write largesize -int 512
7) Increase Desktop Icon Size
If you want massive icons on you desktop this little hack lets you increase the icons to 512 pixels x 512 pixels. This is massive, may slow down on older machines. I don't think it goes larger than 512.
defaults write DesktopViewOptions -dict IconSize -integer 512
killall Finder
8) Changing the Format Of Screen Shots
If you use the screen shot function, you may want to change the format of the images, this is not easily done normally. Where jpg is in the code you can change this to the format your want, png bmp gif etc. You need to log out and back in again, or restart for the changes to take effect.
defaults write type jpg
9) Change The Login Picture
If you get a bored of the space picture used on the login screen, you can change it with this little bit of code. Change the file location in the second half of the string to the exact file location of your chosen picture.
defaults write /Library/Preferences/ DesktopPicture '/System/Library/CoreServices/'
10) Change The Loading Bar In Safari To A Pie Chart
This is a Safari 3 hack, so it might not work. This changes the blue bar that goes across the address bar into a small blue pie chart. Insert false instead of true to reverse.
defaults write DebugUsePieProgressIndicator -bool true
11) Clear The Open With Menu
If you right click on a file you can open it with many applications. Sometimes your OS can get a little confused and list many applications. This is to clear this list and start again. The code below is all on one line.
-kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user
12) Change The Delay When Dragging Windows In Spaces
This simple hack changes the delay time it takes to drag windows around in spaces, its currently set to 0.75
defaults write workspaces-edge-delay -float 0.5
13) Disable Dashboard
If you don't want or like the dashboard running you can disable it. Change YES to NO to enable it again.
defaults write mcx-disabled -boolean YES
killall Dock
14) Enable Double Scroll Arrows
This little hack enables the double arrow set for up and down, left or right, to be at both ends of the scroll bar. Handy if you like the double arrows. Use System Preferences to reset.
defaults write 'Apple Global Domain' AppleScrollBarVariant DoubleBoth
15) Disable Tooltips In Safari
This quick little hack for Safari that removes the tooltips you get when you hover over certain elements.
defaults write WebKitShowsURLsInToolTips 0
16) Increase The Dock Size
Command #6 enables you to change the magnification. This command enables you to change the size of the dock. Use the sliders in System Preferences to reduce this size. Don't go larger 256.
defaults write tilesize -int 256
17) Disable the Crash Dialog Box
This disables the quit dialog box when an application crashes. Type prompt to enable again.
defaults write DialogType none
18) Drag A Widget Onto The Desktop
Probably one of the coolest hacks. This command enables widgets to be placed onto the desktop. Drag a widget around and press F12 to drag it onto the desktop. Repeat the process again to drag a widget back onto the dashboard. This may need you to log off or restart for it to take effect.
defaults write devmode YES
19) Enable Debug Menu In Safari
Adding debug menus to programs is great as you can access a whole range of features. This one is for Safari.
defaults write IncludeDebugMenu 1
20) Enable The Path View In Finder
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One of may favourite hacks as it lets you see the current path of the Finder window you are in. Its great if you work with a lot of windows.
defaults write _FXShowPosixPathInTitle -bool YES
21) Enable Time Machine On Unsupported Drives
Another favourite hack of mine, simply because it enable Time Machine to work on unsupported drives such as a NAS. Use with caution as it is unsupported.
defaults write TMShowUnsupportedNetworkVolumes 1
22) Enable Web Inspector
This is a very detailed web inspector that enables you to find out specific information about a page. It is accessible through the debug menu but this enables you to use it without. You can quickly access it through right-click.
defaults write WebKitDeveloperExtras -bool true
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23) Enable Debug in iCal
Another debug menu (I like debug menus) this time its for iCal. You need to restart iCal for the changes to take effect.
defaults write IncludeDebugMenu YES
24) Enable Quit In Finder
This is a very useful command for anyone who does a lot of fiddling and needs to quit Finder.
defaults write QuitMenuItem -bool YES
killall Finder
25) Force Mail To Display In Plain Text
If you have problems with HTML emails or you just want emails to be displayed in plain text use the following command. You need to restart Mail for the changes to take effect. Replace with false to revert.
defaults write PreferPlainText -bool TRUE
26) Increase Time Machine Backups
If you do a lot of work on you Mac, and you want time machine to back up more frequently you need to change the value. It is in seconds. The default is set to an hour which is 3600. Change this value to suit, half and hour is 1800 seconds.
sudo defaults write /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ StartInterval -int 1800
27) Kill A Process
Sometimes you just need a process to stop running. If you want to kill it in Terminal with out using Activity Monitor, find the process ID (In Activity Monitor) and then use the following command. Only really useful if you don't like much clicking or are writing a program.
kill PID 478
28) Let Terminal Talk
If you are bored one day you can get Terminal to quickly talk anything back to you using the voice engine. Replace hello with anything you want.
say hello
29) Make Hidden Applications Icons Transparent
If you hide a lot of applications you can make there icons transparent in the dock. A very good visual clue.
defaults write showhidden -bool YES
killall Dock
30) Make The Dock Spring Loaded
Makes the dock spring loaded so you can open files or windows from within the dock.
defaults write enable-spring-load-actions-on-all-items -boolean YES
31) Recent Applications Stack
This command creates a new stack in your dock so you can view the recently used Applications.
defaults write persistent-others -array-add '{ 'tile-data' = { 'list-type' = 1; }; 'tile-type' = 'recents-tile'; }'
32) Change The Arrows In iTunes
Normally the arrows in iTunes link to the music store, adding this command enables you to search your library. You need to click on the song first for the arrows to appear.
Terminal For Mac Commands For Beginners
defaults write invertStoreLinks -bool YES
33) Pin The Dock To The Left
This command pins the dock to the left hand side of the screen. I'm not sure what happens if you have the dock on the left or right edge. Replace start with middle to revert.
defaults write pinning -string start
34) Pin The Dock To The Right
Exactly the same as above except it pins the dock to the right hand side of the screen.
defaults write pinning -string end
35) Play Star Wars Episode IV
Using a simple telnet address you Terminal will connect in and play Star Wars Episode IV in its ASCII glory.
36) Quicklook A File
Quicklook is a great little application in Leopard. The command lets you quicklook a file right in Terminal. First you need to change the folder by using the 'cd' command and then the folder you want. To enable this command to work you need to type the file name exactly.
qlmanage -p 'Jaguar Aqua Graphite.jpg'
37) Disable The Spotlight Icon
This command removes the spotlight icon. Type 755 to re-enable it, instead of 0.
sudo chmod 0 /System/Library/CoreServices/
killall Spotlight
38) Remove The Stripes In List View
A simple hack that removes the alternating stripes in list view in finder.
defaults write FXListViewStripes -bool FALSE
killall Finder
39) Turn The Menu Bar White
Macpilot Enable Over 1 200 Hidden Features 11 0 7
If you don't like the menu bar in its cool transparent glory you can change it so it appears white. This requires a password and you will need to restart you mac.
sudo defaults write /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ 'EnvironmentVariables' -dict 'CI_NO_BACKGROUND_IMAGE' 1
40) Turn The Menu Bar Grey
Macpilot Enable Over 1 200 Hidden Features 11 0 8
If you don't like the white version of the menu bar you can change it so it appears gret.
sudo defaults write /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ 'EnvironmentVariables' -dict 'CI_NO_BACKGROUND_IMAGE' 0
41) Revert The Menu Bar Back To Default
If you prefer the transparent menu bar and you want it back type the following into Terminal.
sudo defaults delete /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ 'EnvironmentVariables'
42) Set The Expanded Print Dialogue As Default
If you want access to a lot of the extra print menus on by default you can use the following command to enable you to do this. Requires restart.
defaults write -g PMPrintingExpandedStateForPrint -bool TRUE
43) Set The Expanded Save Dialogue As Default
Similar as the print dialogue this sets the save dialogue to the expanded view as default. Requires restart.
defaults write -g NSNavPanelExpandedStateForSaveMode -bool TRUE
44) Set The Screen Saver As The Wallpaper
This command sets the currently selected screen saver as the desktop background. Use command + c or . to stop while in Terminal. Alternatively you can use wallsaver.
/System/Library/Frameworks/ScreenSaver.framework/Resources/ -background
45) Set The History Limit In Safari To A Number Of Items
If you don't want a massive history you can set it to a limited number of items. Change the number to suit.
defaults write WebKitHistoryItemLimit 2000
46) Set The History Limit In Safari To A Number Of Days
Similar to the hack above you can set the number of days Safari keeps its history.
defaults write WebKitHistoryAgeInDaysLimit 30
47) Show Hidden Files In Finder
A lot of the files in Finder are hidden. This is probably a wise choice by Apple as there are countless things you can screw up. But if you want to take a look at how many there are and what they are you can show them within Finder. Be careful as these files are needed by the system, if you screw something up don't come complaining. Repeat the command with false to revert. The image above, click for larger version, show the amount of files there actually is, with these hidden there is only 4 shown normally.
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
48) Skip Disk Image Verification
If you want to save some time you can skip the disk image verification for a disk image. Potentially risky as a whole load of things could go wrong without you knowing. skip-verify TRUE
49) Show SubFolders In Graphical Format In Terminal
This is a very cool little hack that enables you to show an ASCII graphical view of sub folders. Use the cd command to change to a directory other wise the command will list every folder. For more information look here.
ls -R grep ':$' sed -e 's/:$//' -e 's/[^-][^/]*//--/g' -e 's/^/ /' -e 's/-/ /'
50) Speed Up Dialogue Boxes
Most dialogue boxes have a cool animation effect that looks cool. If you want to speed this up you can change the speed at which is renders so it appears almost instantly. The default is 0.2.
defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSWindowResizeTime 0.01
Thats 50 top Terminal commands, I wanted to go to 100 but I couldn't find 100 good commands. If you have any tips please leave a comment below explaining what the tips does and why you like it. If you just want to leave a comment you can, just be clear, since garbled comments are hard to understand.
Terminal Mac Commands Games
If you want to take your skills with Terminal a bit further I recommend you check out the Terminal Category on this site. If you fancy reading a book there is a couple on Amazon that I regularly see mentioned and recommend, O'reilly Unix Geeks and Unix Under the Hood both are designed for Mac OS X and take Terminal further.